Adjusting to a Modern World: Deciding on a deck

In this final part of the Adjusting to a Modern World series, I will try to decide on a deck to play in Modern for the foreseeable future. But as most of you have already found out, my knowledge of the format is limited at best. So the purpose of this post is to outline my preferred decks and play styles and I hope this will help me decide on a deck to play. However, I will appreciate any advise and recommendations as long as they are based on what I cover in this post.

Modern was the first format I got to play regularly in sanctioned events and I played a number of different decks such as:

Living End
GR Tron
Mono U Tron
Goryo’s Reanimator
UR Storm
4c Gifts
UWR Control

The deck I enjoyed the most, and by a large margin, was 4c Gifts. When I left the format Birthing Pod was the best deck in the format and I grew tired of playing a glorified burn deck (UWR Control) and 4c Gifts was just not playable in my meta any more. At the same time my interest in Legacy grew and I slowly began to trade away most of my Modern staples.

However, times have changed and Modern has caught my interest again. So it is time to decide on a new deck to play, and here are the options I am currently considering (and have access to):



This Junk list is based on Willy Edel’s Worlds list with minor changes due to personal preferences.

There is no denying that Junk is a very strong deck, but I am worried that I will get bored by it after short times since just slamming creatures and attack never has been my cup of tea.

Kiki Pod:

Right now I have this deck as my first pick. I know that the Kiki version of Pod probably is a bit worse that it’s Melira/Angel cousin, but I like the opportunities this deck offers rather than the grindfest the other excel at. However, my concern with this deck is that it just isn’t good enough at the moment. For as much as I want to play with a deck I like, I will get tired of loosing constantly.

These two deck are on the top of my list at the moment. And I am very few cards away from being able to turn them into Jund and Melira/Angel Pod if needed.

But I really miss a true control option in Modern. Something with the same control feel to is as Miracles in Legacy. But I haven’t been able to find any lists that I like. What am I missing or is there just no good options?

On another note, I do like having access to a few combo decks as well. Sometimes I like to get a bit unfair and put my opponents to the test. these are the decks that I currently consider:


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UR Storm:

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I really like both of these decks, but I have a feeling that they are not well positioned right now unfortunately. I would include Jeskai Ascendancy to this list, but I have a feeling that it will get banned before I will get a chance to get familiar with it.

So to sum up I using the ‘MTGS template’:

Favorite Playstyles:  Control, Combo
How Competitive: Local Tournament
Favorite Colors: Not really decided on favorite color for Modern, but in Legacy it is Blue (of course) 

So if you have any inputs I would love to hear them below in the comment section.


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